The Isla Foundation focuses on serving organisations and individuals that provide vital help to the most vulnerable in society. The aim is to create maximum positive social impact at a local community level.
We are thrilled to have received a grant from The Isla Foundation this year which will help us to Grow, Support and Rollout our services to meet the ever increasing demand for our work.
We are particularly pleased to work with The Isla Foundation because of their belief that ‘it is those on the front line who best know the solutions to the problems they are facing’. In addition to providing immediate support, ‘The Isla Foundation looks at how to strengthen organisations with community projects and communication support to become bigger impact social movements’.
The generous grant will allow us to strengthen our central operations; an area that is always difficult to attract funding for, but so essential to the core running needs of our charity. Growth at our core enables us to significantly improve the delivery, assessment and evaluation and development of our frontline services. Without this function, we simply cannot meet the needs of the children who are referred to us for specialist support.
You can read more about The Isla Foundation below. We look forward to sharing the outcomes of our work and how their support has helped us over the coming year!