Playful Parents Services for Schools

A relaxed series of workshops for a group of 6 – 8 parents commissioned by schools, social care teams, children’s centres or other organisations and help strengthen their relationship with their child.

This course is delivered over 8 sessions of 1.5 hours each per week, plus parent meetings at the start and end of the process.

An experienced Play & Creative Arts Therapist shares new skills, through playful activities, to empower parents and promote better mental health for both children and families

Course aims

  • To enhance parent’s natural abilities and allow their confidence to flourish
  • To use experiential learning and feedback to promote positive parenting
  • To empower parents by focusing on the existing strengths of their relationships whilst nurturing and improving their skills and strategies to understand and cope with all kinds of behaviours
  • To provide opportunities for parents to notice their children, to understand their children’s needs, their motivations and get to know them as individuals
  • To teach parents to see play as a vital learning tool

Who is this training for?

For parents of at least one child between 4 and 12 years.


This training is delivered in your school or at an external venue as arranged.

When is this course?

To find a Playful Parents course leader in your area, please visit our Register of Professionals.

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