We were so pleased to be included by the Henley Living Advent Calendar as a beneficiary charity at this year’s event.
As Charity of the Year with Phyllis Court Club, alongside ABC to Read, we were thrilled to hear that we would benefit from the Living Advent Calendar event which Phyllis Court were hosting on Sunday 8th December.
Both charities sourced some wonderful raffle prizes for the event, which in itself was a lovely evening of music and dance courtesy of the Average Wife Band, with mulled wine and mince pies generously provided by Phyllis Court Club for all those attending. The event, held in the ballroom was very well attended by a lovely and very friendly group who were incredibly generous in buying raffle tickets and donating directly to both the Clear Sky and ABC to Read causes.
We were astonished to sell over £800 of raffle tickets in about an hour, and this money was then split equally between both causes. We understand that this was a Living Advent Calendar record! Huge thanks to Trisha, Jenny, Lesley and Ian for their help with managing ticket sales on the night and to Experience Henley who mastermind this incredible Living Advent event around Henley each year.
There is still time to visit the Living Advent Calendar right up to Christmas Eve in Henley – the link can be found here.
A huge thank you to everyone involved in this wonderful evening and to everyone who bought raffle tickets and gave a donation.
Thanks also to the raffle donors:
and to those who donated extra prizes of wine, chocolate, perfume and lovely handmade cakes and cookies on the night!