We are thrilled to share that PCAP is now available as an online offering. With practitioners in Australia, Malaysia and beyond travelling from overseas to come and learn the PCAP approach, and returning eager to share it with their colleagues, we realised that it was vital that we worked to develop this training virtually. Whether you’re based in the UK or overseas, you can now access this training from the comfort of your own home.
Here’s what other PCAP practitioners have to say about the course and intervention… “A playful, gentle and nurturing approach that provides you with the skills to support the development of attachment in an honest and genuine way” “Every therapist should do this course!” “Attachment theory was explained very clearly and the best I’ve ever heard it explained” “The training offers a practical framework to practitioners, that supports strong attachments between parent and child.”
PCAP training provides:
- A strong grounding in the latest attachment, neuroscience and child psychology research and theory that underpins the model
- Understanding of the intergenerational transmission of attachment and how PCAP can play a role in creating long-lasting meaningful change in familial relationships
- Understanding of a 10-step method that integrates 3 fundamental attachment focused mechanisms; reflective functioning, child led play and containment
- A clear structure/plan that can be adapted based on your setting
- An experiential and creative learning experience which guides and empowers you as a practitioner
- A reflective space to develop your own authentic style of facilitation
- A range of pre and post outcome measures to support evaluation and commissioning requirements
- Access to a hub of research articles, videos and resources including example session plans so that you are ready to start offering PCAP sessions on completion of the course!